About Heronswood Hardy Geraniums
Our collection of hardy geraniums cover a wide range of adaptability, plant shapes, flower color and bloom time. Hardy geraniums can be grown as specimens, ground covers, or in groups in part shade to full sun. One of our garden favorites is G. phaeum ‘Samobor’ which has proved durable year to year under part shade. In May to June, up to two-foot stands, topped by deep burgundy flowers line our stone pathways. Our own Heronswood seedling selection, G. x oxonianum ‘Katherine Adele’ has become popular for full sun gardens, with its bronzed-zoned foliage and silvery pink flowers veined in purple. G. macrorhizum are exceptional with their vigor, and can grow well even in dry shade. Large and true blue-flowered G. ‘Rozanne’ makes impressive mounds through early fall. Trailing, upright, or mounded, hardy geraniums combine well in naturalistic settings. Palmate or round leaves, often sharply dissected or blotched, add varied forms to the border. Some give off a soft minty to strong aroma when leaves are brushed. Out of bloom, plants can remain showy, when foliage turns red, orange, yellow or purple.
How to care for your hardy Geraniums
Try to plant your hardy geraniums as soon as possible. These are adaptable and will have no problem acclimating to your growing area. Be sure to keep the soil moist to the touch if you do not transplant immediately. Protect from strong winds and drying out before planting.
Where do I plant my hardy geraniums?
Hardy geraniums are easy to grow in a wide variety of garden conditions. Most thrive in full sun to light shade in moist, well-drained soils. In areas with hot summers, it is best to site the plants where there is morning sun and afternoon shade. Hardy geraniums blend well with Asters, Nepetas, Hostas, Pulmonarias, dwarf grasses, ferns and sedges. Check the garden conditions recommended for the variety of hardy geranium you purchased.
How do I plant my hardy geraniums?
Dig a hole that is twice as wide and deep as the container the plant is in. Work this soil well and incorporate a balanced, slow-release fertilizer into the planting hole. Backfill the hole and set the plant even with ground level, firming the soil around it. Water in very well, making sure that the roots are in contact with the soil. While plants are getting established in the garden, water as needed.
What should I do in order to have my geraniums increase in beauty from year to year?
When past peak bloom, plants tend to get floppy, leaving their crowns open. Give them a hard shear to rejuvenate foliage, as well as encourage repeat bloom. When sheared back, plants often look renewed after 3-4 weeks. Mulch can be applied to keep weeds down and conserve water.